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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki
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Breda 37

A Breda M37

The Breda Model 37 was a gas-operated, heavy machine gun that was used by Italy during WWII. It was fed 20 round strips and it fired the 8×59mm RB Breda Cartridge. The drawback of the 20 round strips was that it could only be fired continuously if the loader rapidly fed one strip after the other.

The maximum range of the Breda M37 was about 5,200 meters and the maximum rate of fire was 460 rounds per minute.[1] The effective range however was much closer at 1,000 meters. It was commonly equipped with a tripod and the total weight including the tripod was 19.4 kg. The total length of the M37 was 127 cm while the barrel length was 78 cm.

