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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

The Sprengbombe Dickwandig 2 kg or SD-2 was a small sub-munition that was used by Germany during World War II.


The SD-2 was typically used in containers of twenty-three bomblets each, though more could be fit inside each container if required. To arm, SD-2s were hung by a small, 12.7 cm long cable connected to their fuses.[2] Upon being released from the main bomb the SD-2s would open up with two metal wings and two half-cylinders on the sides which would cause the center cable connected to the explosive to spin counter-clockwise and arm the device. 

The SD-2 was often dropped in numbers at the same time as standard bombs and other incindiery weapons so as to hamper any clean-up or damage control efforts.[3]To aid in this, the SD-2 could be fitted with a variety of fuses listed as follows:

Fuse Types[]
  • Z(41) Fuse - Impact detonated, notably unstable if undetonated.
  • Z(41)A Fuse - Can be airburst.
  • L.ZtZ(67) - Detonation after 30 minute delay.
  • L.ZtZ(70)A - Anti-handling fuse. Can be detonated anywhere between 30 minutes to 20 hours after impact.

One aspect of the SD-2 that made it particularly difficult to deal with was that once armed, there was no way to diffuse it, forcing bomb disposal teams to simply detonate them in place, wherever that may be.[3]


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