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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki
Medal for the Defense of Sevastopol

Medal for the Defence of Sevastopol

The Medal for the Defense of Sevastopol was a Soviet medal given to all people including citizens who took part in the defense of Sevastopol.[1]


The medal was established on the 22 of December 1942 and it was awarded to about 52,000 people. The medal itself was made of brass and its diameter was about 32mm. The inscription on the front read "For the Defense of Sevastopol" and the inscription on the back read "For our Soviet Motherland." Under the inscription, the medal featured a Soviet sailor and a Soviet soldier side by side. The medal also had a silk moire ribbon and it had a width of about 24mm.[2]

The ribbon had a white background with blue stripes running down the middle of it. The Medal below the defense of Sevastopol was the Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad.

