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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

The Midway Order of Battle is depicted from the Battle of Midway.


The Imperial Japanese Navy's "Combined Fleet" consisted of two fleets for different operations, the Aleutian Islands (Operation AL) and the Midway Atoll (Operation MI).

First Fleet[]

  • First Kido Butai (First Carrier Striking Force/1st Air Fleet) - Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo
    • First Carrier Division - Vice Adm. Nagumo on Akagi
      • Akagi: Sunk/Scuttled - Capt. Taijiro Aoki
        • Air Unit - Commander Mitsuo Fuchida
      • Kaga: Sunk/Scuttled - Capt. Jisaku Okada

Second Fleet[]

United States[]

The US Pacific Fleet and the Pacific Ocean areas were under the overall command of Admiral Chester Nimitz.

US Carrier Strike Force[]

  • Task Force 17 - Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher on Yorktown
    • Task Group 17.5 - Carrier Group:
      • USS Yorktown: Sunk - Captain Elliot Buckmaster